who we are & What we do

Friends of Sturt River Landcare Group Inc.

  • Legally incorporated, not-for-profit community group
  • Run by members & volunteers who live near the Sturt River on the Adelaide Plains
  • 100% volunteer, no paid staff or contractors
  • Fully insured & equipped with tool trailer, tools & PPE
  • Advised by qualified botanists, ecologists & experienced citizen scientists
  • Partnership arrangement City of Marion, Remnant Vegetation Plan
  • Partnership arrangement City of Holdfast Bay, Sturt River Greening Project
  • Affiliated with Landcare SA & Landcare Australia Limited
  • Green Adelaide Urban Landcare Award Winners 2022.

What we do

We partner with land managers, and work cooperatively and ethically with other community groups and volunteers to re-establish and reconnect local-native plant communities along the lower Sturt River in the Adelaide Plains.

We have 'adopted' six reserves in Marion and Holdfast Bay local government areas, all adjacent to the river. Several more planting sites along the Sturt River Linear Park are planned.  Our  long-term goal is to connect up biodiversity plantings via the Sturt River Linear Park and drainage corridor, wherever it is possible to do so.

Trailer for volunteers


community of plants

Maintain & re-establish local-native plant communities for biodiversity & climate resilience, along the lower Sturt River.

community of people

To create a community of people who are willing and able to work together to care for and conserve this area in perpetuity. 

Benefit to all

These aims to be carried out for the benefit and enjoyment of residents and visitors alike, both now and into the future.


Samantha Kerr

Founding member &
current President

Geoff Wells
Geoff Wells

Founding member,
public officer

Christine Gibson 

Long-time volunteer, member &
Vice President

Paul Green

Long-time member, Botanist & Ecologist
Technical Advisor

Heather Falckh

Secretary &
grants writer

Treasurer Christine Benger
Christine Benger

Volunteer, member & 

Note: some positions are currently appointees. Committee positions and appointees must be members of the Association.

Guiding principles of the committee

  • Work cooperatively to make resources go further on the ground
  • Remain a 'light touch' on land managers & administrators
  • Work within land manager's policy frameworks for biodiversity
  • Communicate clearly and respectfully with others
  • Seek advice & guidance from scientists on our impact on biodiversity
  • Assess & manage risks appropriately
  • Follow privacy principles for collection & safe keeping of volunteer data
  • Adopt & adapt good practice volunteer management


Individuals and families who agree with the aims and objectives of Friends of Sturt River Landcare Group are invited to apply for membership of the association.

Membership costs $10 per year for individuals and $25 for family groups.   

You are not required to join as a member in order to volunteer - in fact, we encourage you to 'come and try' before you buy. 

Email us for a membership form

The first law of ecology is that everything is related
to everything else (including us!)

Image: Eucalyptus leucoxylon (SA Bluegum) Oaklands Estate

Get in touch

Pam Chant
Luqman Mansoor-Ahmidyya


Friends of Sturt River Landcare Group gratefully acknowledges the on-going support from our council partners City of Marion and City of Holdfast Bay.

We were fortunate to be awarded grant funding from Green Adelaide to support the development of a biozone at Fordham Reserve from 2020-22.

We would also like to thank Landcare SA for providing funds to purchase plants under the Wild Well-being project (2021) & Ceneta for its support of World Environment Day planting (2022) as part of its Community Underwriting Small Grants program.


City of Marion
Green Adelaide logo
Landcare Association South Australia